RealSamantha Skrevet Oktober 6 Share Skrevet Oktober 6 1 time siden, Idaws skrev: They fled to Russia because it was the only way out. After, many of them have gone back or gone to other countries. Russia officially closed borders last year for Ukrainians comming from 3d countries .They need to pass hard filtration in Sheremetyevo to get to Russia. They are not going to other countries ,they try to come to Russia from other countries . 1 Siter Lenke til kommentar
Idaws Skrevet Oktober 6 Share Skrevet Oktober 6 1 time siden, RealSamantha skrev: And as Ukraine was created from territories of Poland, Romania, Russia and Hungary after Second World War ,probably, it would be wise to give all their territories back to their ex owners . Any way ,many ukranians have second citizenship or residence card ( Polish or Romanian mostly ) and they want to be in EU. Interesting. So by your logic Russia should give Karelen back to Finland? Ukraine was founded in 800. And consisted of the territories of most of western Russia including what is Ukraina today. Even the area where Moscow is today was Ukrainian. So by your logic, Russia should give back Moscow to Ukraine. Also, stop this stupidity about Russian language. Do you think people support Russia just because they speak Russian? Kherson, Kharkiv and Odessa are mainly Russian speaking cities. And they all hate Russia. Language has nothing to do with this. It's just propaganda used by Putin. And where did he Putin get this idea? Hitler. When Hitler invaded Norway, his official excuse was that he needed to protect the Norwegian language and culture from the bad Brits and Americans. We all know this wasn't true. Putin invaded Ukraine because he dosent like democracies and freedom. And Lavrov have stated several times that Moldova is next. Russia needs to "protect" the Russian speaking people in Moldova. But according to the Russian speaking people in Moldova, they dont need protection. Because they like democracies and freedom. And dont pretend that you dont know about the pecking order. Ukrainians are called "littlerussians". And Russians are "grandrussians". Russia even insisted on calling Ukraine "littlerussia". 1 2 Siter Lenke til kommentar
johannes Skrevet Oktober 7 Share Skrevet Oktober 7 På 14.9.2024 den 13.32, ZezeeRealBack skrev: And to be sincere, no one cares about your political views.They care about how tight your pussy is and the sevices you provide at your price range.And if your pictures are real. Agree on this completely. Let's leave politics to polticians. All I want is a good fuck. 3 Siter Lenke til kommentar
RealSamantha Skrevet November 29 Share Skrevet November 29 På 10/7/2024 den 1:26 AM, Idaws skrev: Ukraine was founded in 800. And consisted of the territories of most of western Russia including what is Ukraine today. Even the area where Moscow is today was Ukrainian. So by your logic, Russia should give back Moscow to Ukraine. Also, stop this stupidity about the Russian language. Do you think people support Russia just because they speak Russian? Kherson, Kharkiv and Odessa are mainly Russian-speaking cities. And they all hate Russia. Language has nothing to do with this. It's just propaganda used by Putin. And where did he Putin get this idea? Hitler. When Hitler invaded Norway, his official excuse was that he needed to protect the Norwegian language and culture from the bad Brits and Americans. We all know this wasn't true. Putin invaded Ukraine because he taught like democracies and freedom. And Lavrov has stated several times that Moldova is next. Russia needs to "protect" the Russian speaking people in Moldova. But according to the Russian-speaking people in Moldova, they don't need protection. Because they like democracies and freedom. Are you Ukrainian or Moldavian , @Idaws ? You also posted screenshot in Russian on another topic And no ,I don't listen to Lavrov as you know all Russian channels/newspapers are blocked in EU and it would so boring to waste my time on telegram for politic. 1 Siter Lenke til kommentar
Idaws Skrevet Fredag klokken 23:28 Share Skrevet Fredag klokken 23:28 30 minutter siden, RealSamantha skrev: Are you Ukrainian or Moldavian , Jeg har bodd noen år i Russland. Og noen år i Ukraina. Og bitte litt i Belarus. Moldavia er et område i Romania, og jeg er ikke rumensk. Moldavia var også et fyrstedømme som dekket Moldova, deler av Romania, og deler av Ukraina. Men jeg er født og oppvokst i Norge. Og har ingen slektskap eller forfedre i Øst-Europa eller tidligere Sovjet-land. Men hvorfor lurer du på dette? Ser du etter det som russere anser som karakterbrister og skal komme med noen russiske fornærmelser? Det kan du spare deg for. Har hørt alle før. Neida, alle russiske medier er ikke blokkert i EU. Så å få med seg hva Lavro sier er ikke spesielt vanskelig. Til og med norske medier viser videoer av ham der han sier at de skal gå inn i Moldova når de er ferdig i Ukraina. For de må jo beskytte de stakkars russisk-språklige i Moldova! De fleste russisk-språklige jeg kjenner i Moldova sier at de overhodet ikke ønsker noe beskyttelse fra hverken Russland eller Putin. Og omtrent samtlige russisk-språklige Ukrainere jeg kjenner har begynt på kurs for å lese seg opp på det ukrainske språket. Fordi de ikke vil snakke samme språket som terrorister og mordere. På hjemmesiden til den russiske regjeringen, som ikke blokkert, finner du masse videoer av Lavrov og de andre sinnsyke tullingene i Kremlin. Det er ganske fantastisk hvor mye løgner å propaganda de klarer å lire av seg. 2 3 Siter Lenke til kommentar
Ola789 Skrevet Søndag klokken 00:23 Share Skrevet Søndag klokken 00:23 I overkant mye sør amerikansk da, begynner jo å lure på når onkel skal kjøre på med en runde mot flere miljøer. Siter Lenke til kommentar
JoeRoganJosh Skrevet Søndag klokken 09:26 Share Skrevet Søndag klokken 09:26 9 timer siden, Ola789 skrev: I overkant mye sør amerikansk da, begynner jo å lure på når onkel skal kjøre på med en runde mot flere miljøer. Du må slutte å lure så mye. Mange er selvstendige. 1 Siter Lenke til kommentar
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