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Challenges on RealEscort.eu


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I wrote this post a few months ago out of frustration with RealEscort in Norway.


I initially hesitated to share it on Noresk because I wasn’t sure if it would be relevant to the users here. However, I noticed a similar discussion gaining attention recently, so I decided to provide some insight into the challenges of dealing with this platform.


While I no longer work as an escort, I assist girls in setting up their advertisements when they arrive in Norway. This is where the frustration comes in.


I’m posting this because I believe it’s important for the men visiting girls to understand what we are dealing with. It’s crucial for you to know that we desire change and wish to be approached with respect and fair options.


P.S. Apologies if the English is not perfect; I only speak Spanish and have used translation tools and AI to write this. I cannot confirm its accuracy.



Navigating Challenges on RealEscort.eu:

If you or someone you know has used RealEscort.eu, you might be familiar with the frustrations and challenges the platform presents. Many users, including myself and my friends, have experienced repeated issues with RealEscort.eu's practices, raising concerns about fairness and transparency.


A Common Scenario

Here is a scenario that has become all too common for many women using RealEscort.eu:


1. New Profile Creation: A woman arrives in Norway and creates a new profile on RealEscort.eu (RE). The approval process can take anywhere from 3 hours to multiple days, during which she cannot advertise her services and earns no income.

2. Trial Period Costs: Once approved, she pays for a 7-day profile subscription, which costs double because it's a new profile, referred to as a "Trial".

3. Profile Closure: Despite using genuine pictures, RE often closes profiles claiming the photos are fake (Of course after they have taken the subscription money). To get the profile reinstated, the woman must pay a hefty fine. RE wont even talk to you until you pay the fine.

4. Delayed Responses: After paying the fine, it takes up to 4 days for RE to respond and reopen the profile. The original subscription is not paused, leaving only a few days of the paid period remaining.

5. Recurrent Costs: To maintain visibility, she needs to pay for another subscription period, incurring additional expenses.

6. Monthly Fees for Inactivity: If the woman leaves the country for vacation, she must log in every 2 or 3 month to pay a fee, or RE will delete her profile, forcing her to start over.

7. Profile Reports: Any random user can report a profile, often leading to its closure. The woman then has to pay a fine for RE to review the report, often losing years of effort and numerous positive reviews.


The Impact

These practices not only create financial burdens but also cause significant emotional stress. Many women invest considerable time and effort into building their profiles, only to see their hard work undone by what appears to be arbitrary and exploitative policies. This pattern suggests a systemic issue designed to maximize RE's revenue at the expense of its customers.


Instead of paying a single amount for 7 days, she might end up incurring the following costs:

- 7 days of advertising

- Double payment due to the trial period

- A fine to reinstate her profile

- Additional subscription days of advertising because most of the initial days are lost

- The possibility of starting all over again due to profile deletion


This worst-case scenario happens all the time.


A Call to Action

It's clear that these practices are unfair and exploitative. So, what can we do?


If you are a man, what are your thoughts on this?

If you were paying for online services on other websites and they behaved like this, would you find it okay?


If you are an escort, have you faced similar issues with RE? How did you handle them?


Thank you for you time.

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@Bella.91 først av alt: om du hjelper eskorter med å opprette annonser så kan du bli tiltalt etter hallikparagrafen i Norge.

Dette er oxo noe av problemet.  http://Www.realescort.eu følger verken norske lover eller god forretningsetikk.  Jeg ville aldri godtatt en slik behandling av en nettilbyder.  

Klagene på RE fra eskorter kjenner jeg godt fra flere enn @ZezeeRealBack.  Mange blir regelrett lurt for penger av dagens RE.  Tilsynelatende kan det se ut som forbedringer for oss som kjøper seksuelle tjenester, men selv med alle tiltakene RE har innført det siste året er den prosentvise andel av falske bilder/annonser altfor stor!  Det er bare å lese anmeldelser her på forumet om hvordan kinadamene, Romania- og Colombiagjengene kan få verifisert akkurat hva de vil hele tiden.  Dette handler om å kontrollere markedet, og RE spiller en aktiv rolle i dette.

Nå venter jeg bare på at en våken journalist i http://Www.dn.no skal få på trykk kampen om sexkjøpsmilliardene!

Endret av Tototre
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59 minutter siden, Tototre skrev:

Det er bare å lese anmeldelser her på forumet om hvordan kinadamene, Romania- og Colombiagjengene kan få verifisert akkurat hva de vil hele tiden

It’s organized crime.Finally i got my vipps back after 6 months,my number has been used by one of those network.They contact a escort that was close to me,someone i trust(she was a victim too)

Those networks does rent vipps from 3 part and they pay up to 20% to those vipps owners.I did not had this kind of deal,for me and for my friend,it was just a independent girl like us that eventually needed someone with vipps in case of emergency,like my two friends that i received vipps does,and i did not even charge,max was 5%.

I have been offerend to “work “ for a network that was recruting latinas to work online and had a offer to have my ticket paid to come to Norway.The funny thing they contact me in a fake profile that i did with a friend to catch her boyfriend (she is a escort )

Other escort sites you can verify your add and send your pass or your id without worries,and they do accept all major credit cards,but not RE.In RE you cannot contest a purchase,they only use crypto and paygoo.In Euro Girls you can ask for a refund and dispute a wrongfull charge.

RE is convenient for the broke guy that has no respect to the time and see a escort as a object that he feel entitle to bother wherever they want.Other sites you need to pay premium to acess.RE is free for them.Of course they have to fight first and teeth to keep this site on.If they close,where they can find the girl to harass?

Escorts are struggling.And the head of those scam networks are enjoying the life in the south of europe,posing as hustlers.

Dominica Hot just release a blog that deserve a 5 minute reading.Hand up,she is spot on.

No other advsertise site operates cowboy like RE is doing.And they keep contradicting themselfs ..

Not my problem.

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1 time siden, ZezeeRealBack skrev:

Dominica Hot just release a blog that deserve a 5 minute reading.Hand up,she is spot on.

From her post "Internationally, the standard rate for a quality independent escort starts at 1000 euros for a two-hour engagement. " If this is true and RE is so bad, why does she come to Norway?

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6 timer siden, Tukleren skrev:

From her post "Internationally, the standard rate for a quality independent escort starts at 1000 euros for a two-hour engagement. " If this is true and RE is so bad, why does she come to Norway?

She owns a apartament here in Oslo.She does not rent,her incall place is her own.


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På 11.7.2024 den 14.42, Tototre skrev:

først av alt: om du hjelper eskorter med å opprette annonser så kan du bli tiltalt etter hallikparagrafen i Norge.

I can't because i'm not doing it for them or paying for them, just supporting them 😊

På 11.7.2024 den 14.42, Tototre skrev:

Tilsynelatende kan det se ut som forbedringer for oss som kjøper seksuelle tjenester, men selv med alle tiltakene RE har innført det siste året er den prosentvise andel av falske bilder/annonser altfor stor!

Exactly, they claim it will benefit the users but in my opinion, and as stated in my post, it's only to benefit them self. Eventually it will be their downfall. 

På 11.7.2024 den 14.42, Tototre skrev:

Nå venter jeg bare på at en våken journalist i http://Www.dn.no skal få på trykk kampen om sexkjøpsmilliardene!

Could be interesting!


@ZezeeRealBack Sorry but i couldn't understand what you were saying in your answer, it was properly the translation to spanish that was not good 🙈 Thanks for replying anyways 😊


I think the only solution here is to stop feeding the monopoly that RE has. As soon as there is some real competition to them, RE will have to follow in line.

Guys! Start using other website and tell the girls to do the same 🤷🏻‍♂️

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4 minutter siden, Bella.91 skrev:

I can't because i'm not doing it for them or paying for them, just supporting them 😊

Exactly, they claim it will benefit the users but in my opinion, and as stated in my post, it's only to benefit them self. Eventually it will be their downfall. 

Could be interesting!


@ZezeeRealBack Sorry but i couldn't understand what you were saying in your answer, it was properly the translation to spanish that was not good 🙈 Thanks for replying anyways 😊


I think the only solution here is to stop feeding the monopoly that RE has. As soon as there is some real competition to them, RE will have to follow in line.

Guys! Start using other website and tell the girls to do the same 🤷🏻‍♂️

That’s ok.

The problem is some clients think that RE is the best thing.Yes,because they can do window shopping for free.They don’t pay nothing and still feel entitle to ditch our prices.We in alverage spend 5000 kr per month with RE.Majority of the girls pay their place for day,between 1200-1500 kr.They think that offering 500 -1000 is enough,in some heads we are full of clients and we have high rotation.

It’s getting too complicated to work with RE and is not worth the investimemt.

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3 timer siden, ZezeeRealBack skrev:

The problem is some clients think that RE is the best thing.Yes,because they can do window shopping for free.They don’t pay nothing and still feel entitle to ditch our prices.

Using the site for free and haggling the price are two very different things. You know the legal climate makes it problematic to pay for things online.

(*entitled, *"ditch"=haggle. Why even write in English?)

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What are the options to RE ?

Are there any free websites for women out there and are sugardates etc ideal platforms to sell sexual services ?

Personally, I only check out RE when I’m in the mood to buy this service. I handle 1 x active escorts account and agree the website is ha hassle to work with.

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