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Grand master Shaman`s rules for a good summer.


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Some of you young people are looking for some fun in the summer, but be carefull.
Here are some rules that will help you become a master of your destiny.

1. Don't sleep with a woman on the first day of seeing her nãkêd body. Create an emergency and stop.
2. Don't sleep in a woman's house, whether it is your first night with her or the second or the last. Sleeping in her house is losing your power and control.
3. Use a cøndøm on the first sëx attempt. Use a cøndøm every day you have sëx until the day you decide to marry her. This is a MUST. Don't compromise on this.
4. The first sëx should be during the daytime. This allows you to understand her séxuäl health and nature.
5. Talk vulgar deliberately. If she responds with vulgarity. End the relationship.
6. No sëx messages on WhatsApp or text. No nūdēs. Your inbox should always be as clean as a whistle.
7. Have a HIV test together as early as possible in the relationship. Remember, this is not a ticket for raw sëx. Some tests can turn out negative because of HIV treatment. This is called a false negative.
8. Find out if she is on any medication. Don't be a fool. Ask. Research.
9. If there is mãlødørøus discharge on the cøndøm, reprimand her. If there are traces of bløød on the cøndøm sheath, reprimand her. Don't be in a relationship with a woman who does not take care of her väginäl health.
10. Know her m£nstruäl cycle. This will save you from being a slave of the state.
Take care of your pēnïs. This is your manhood. Don't sleep with anything in a skirt.
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Pkt 10: Jeg ligger med dem likevel om de tillater det.  Er kun mer varsom med slikking og etterfølgende kyssing.

De som ikke tillater det har jeg kontroll på syklusen til.  Besøker aldri* en eskorte som ikke vil fordi hun er i den tiden.


*jo, jeg gjør det.  Men avtaler å gjøre ting som at hun et maid som ikke har gjort ordentlig jobb og må straffes

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