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En annen sak: Har ikke jentene rett til å beskytte seg?

Se tråden om Working Girl.

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Hva da med JENTEPARADISET som er et underforum her. Her kommuniseres det telefonnr. og navn. Dvs dette er jo også en form for registrering.

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En annen sak: Har ikke jentene rett til å beskytte seg?

Se tråden om Working Girl.

Der skrev Celeste:

"de som ikke gjør seg fortjent til en hedersplass på nevnte svarteliste, blir IKKE diskutert med hverken telefonnummer eller "m.m".

Befinner du deg derimot på svarteliste så er det jo en sjanse for at dette går tilbake i tid, men det er uansett aldri uten grunn at noen havner der, så "gammel dritt" er det nok ikke."

Så du har grunn til å tro at du er på en svarteliste? :)

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Hvor har du det fra? Du har ikke da adgang til Jenteparadiset?

En annen sak: Har ikke jentene rett til å beskytte seg?

Se tråden om Working Girl.

Der skrev Celeste:

"de som ikke gjør seg fortjent til en hedersplass på nevnte svarteliste, blir IKKE diskutert med hverken telefonnummer eller "m.m".

Befinner du deg derimot på svarteliste så er det jo en sjanse for at dette går tilbake i tid, men det er uansett aldri uten grunn at noen havner der, så "gammel dritt" er det nok ikke."

Så du har grunn til å tro at du er på en svarteliste? :)

Det er ikke det som var spørsmålet. Jeg svarte på ditt spørsmål, noe som Celeste har bekreftet, nemlig at det er en form for registrering.

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Det er ikke det som var spørsmålet. Jeg svarte på ditt spørsmål, noe som Celeste har bekreftet, nemlig at det er en form for registrering.

Jeg foreslår at du skriver til annonsesidene og forteller dem hvordan de skal registrere annonsørene uten å lagre noen form for data som kan kobles til dem.

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Jeg kunne tenkt meg mer info om hva de tenker rundt dette med lagring av telefonnummer. Uansett gjelder tidligere leveregel om en egen uregistrert hobbytelefon :)

Hi guys,

We absolutely understand your concerns. However, let me explain how it's saved.

Each number that is added to the white/blacklist will be given it's own unique ID...and these ID's are stored...not the actual phone numbers. The app also run on a server hosting a totally different URL not related to anything to do with "escort". So even if our site do get hacked, they wont see the DB and even if that other URL gets hacked..they wont see any numbers - just a bunch of random ID's (numbers).

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Etter å ha sett annonse prisene på den siden, kommer jeg aldri til å bytte fra RE.

Betale dobbelte og enda mer enn dobbelte har jeg null interesse av.

Synd de norske jentene aldri gadd å starte opp egen side til normale priser osv ...

Hjelper lite med tilbud , det sånn norges dyreste mobil selskap driver å, fine tilbud til 1 kr så betaler enn dobbelt opp for mobilen og bruken enn vis enn kjøper uten abonement og binding ....

Hadde jeg vist at Escortstars tar så godt betalt så hadde jeg sakt noe før her inne ..

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Etter å ha sett annonse prisene på den siden, kommer jeg aldri til å bytte fra RE.

Betale dobbelte og enda mer enn dobbelte har jeg null interesse av.

Synd de norske jentene aldri gadd å starte opp egen side til normale priser osv ...

Hjelper lite med tilbud , det sånn norges dyreste mobil selskap driver å, fine tilbud til 1 kr så betaler enn dobbelt opp for mobilen og bruken enn vis enn kjøper uten abonement og binding ....

Hadde jeg vist at Escortstars tar så godt betalt så hadde jeg sakt noe før her inne ..

Thanks for your feedback, but I respectfully disagree :)

If you look at RE's prices they have a "low" starting price, but thats just for a basic ad not really showing anywhere.

You have to build and build your ad in order for it to show on the front page, favorites, etc etc.

Our model is much simpler and almost everything is included in our packages.

To use your mobile phone company comparison:

You can get a mobile subscription which is very cheap, but if you want to call it cost extra, if you want to send SMS it also cost extra...if you want....etc etc :)

I think it's important to compare apples and apples, and if you compare our plans to the exact same as RE, they are almost 80% more expensive!

Having said that, we really appreciate all feedback and take everything into consideration.

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Etter å ha sett annonse prisene på den siden, kommer jeg aldri til å bytte fra RE.

Betale dobbelte og enda mer enn dobbelte har jeg null interesse av.

Synd de norske jentene aldri gadd å starte opp egen side til normale priser osv ...

Hjelper lite med tilbud , det sånn norges dyreste mobil selskap driver å, fine tilbud til 1 kr så betaler enn dobbelt opp for mobilen og bruken enn vis enn kjøper uten abonement og binding ....

Hadde jeg vist at Escortstars tar så godt betalt så hadde jeg sakt noe før her inne ..

Thanks for your feedback, but I respectfully disagree :)

If you look at RE's prices they have a "low" starting price, but thats just for a basic ad not really showing anywhere.

You have to build and build your ad in order for it to show on the front page, favorites, etc etc.

Our model is much simpler and almost everything is included in our packages.

To use your mobile phone company comparison:

You can get a mobile subscription which is very cheap, but if you want to call it cost extra, if you want to send SMS it also cost extra...if you want....etc etc :)

I think it's important to compare apples and apples, and if you compare our plans to the exact same as RE, they are almost 80% more expensive!

Having said that, we really appreciate all feedback and take everything into consideration.

I spend 1100kr every month. to you i have to pay about 2666 for the lowest price. That is not 80% more on RE.

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I spend 1100kr every month. to you i have to pay about 2666 for the lowest price. That is not 80% more on RE.

Again, please compare apples and apples.

Having said that, we will review our pricing models over the next weeks to be 100% sure we are comparing apples and apples ourselves :)

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The problem with the pricing tiers is that it doesn't actually offer a cost-efficient alternative for those who just want a no-frills plain ad posting, which is what the basic RealEscort advertisement is (even if the actual service is shit).

I'm intentionally low volume, so personally I do not have much use for any included 'extras', and for that 2600 is prohibitively expensive. I'm also in a low population density area, so being displayed in various front categories is not so important to me, seeing as there aren't enough ads in the area to 'drown me out' anyway.

This makes the site not a very viable alternative for part-timers, and for those of us living outside of the major Norwegian cities. Those of us who work smaller towns (and there are a lot of smaller towns in Norway) do not have to deal with a deluge of competing advertisements. It's a rare occasion for there to be anyone advertising in my town except for myself, and if we hit 30 advertisers in the county, you can call it 'busy' up here. Even certain bigger towns rarely have more than two pages worth of ads. You might want to reconsider the peculiarities of the market here in comparison to bigger, heavily populated countries like UK etc.

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The problem with the pricing tiers is that it doesn't actually offer a cost-efficient alternative for those who just want a no-frills plain ad posting, which is what the basic RealEscort advertisement is (even if the actual service is shit).

As far as I know EscortStars is the only ad site that's frequenting this forum, which means that they'll listen to its clients and take their statements into consideration.

I don't know if there are other similar forums; if there are, I certainly don't know them. Another forum like this started up about the same time but I don't think it's still active.

So go for it Girls and Boys. I believe EscortStars will become THE ad place for escorts in Norway. Just give them time.

BTW, The_Lynx, I see that you have made an interview with them. Very good! I hope that more or "our" girls will follow your example.

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You might want to reconsider the peculiarities of the market here in comparison to bigger, heavily populated countries like UK etc.

You are 100% right (!) and we will immediately edit our prices in accordance with population. The only "problem" is that some advertisers might speculate in this and order an ad in a small town, but then change their travel plan to Oslo.

However, our main focus is not on profit...so we can live just fine with that "problem".

Thank you all for the feedback, much appreciated!

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You might want to reconsider the peculiarities of the market here in comparison to bigger, heavily populated countries like UK etc.

You are 100% right (!) and we will immediately edit our prices in accordance with population. The only "problem" is that some advertisers might speculate in this and order an ad in a small town, but then change their travel plan to Oslo.

However, our main focus is not on profit...so we can live just fine with that "problem".

Thank you all for the feedback, much appreciated!

So if i work in Oslo i gone pay more then if i work in a smal city??? :shock::shock:

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Dette med prioriterte annonser skjønner jeg ikke helt.

Jeg har til dags dato ikke klikket på en eneste prioritert annonse på forsiden av RE.

Jeg går alltid rett til fylket jeg skal ha sex i.

I mine øyne er prioriterte annonser bortkastede penger.

Jeg har vært innom siden som det refereres til her.

Og siden den fikk så mye skryt har jeg undret meg litt over hvorfor den har så få brukere.

Når jeg nå vet prisene så forstår jeg jo hvorfor jentene ikke vil bruke den.

At siden også er utrolig irriterende å bruke hjelper ikke akkurat på helhetsinntrykket.

Hvorfor har de ikke rullegardinmenyer eller klikkbare lenker? Hvorfor må det åpnes et nytt vindu hver gang jeg foretar meg noe? Hvorfor må det være så jævla fancy? Det enkle er ofte det beste.

Dessuten er den veldig treg.

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So if i work in Oslo i gone pay more then if i work in a smal city??? :shock::shock:

It's very difficult to find a model that suits everyone...however, we always listen and try to adjust.

I think we'll land on a pricing model that is fair for everyone in the end :)

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Dette med prioriterte annonser skjønner jeg ikke helt.

Jeg har til dags dato ikke klikket på en eneste prioritert annonse på forsiden av RE.

Jeg går alltid rett til fylket jeg skal ha sex i.

I mine øyne er prioriterte annonser bortkastede penger.

Jeg har vært innom siden som det refereres til her.

Og siden den fikk så mye skryt har jeg undret meg litt over hvorfor den har så få brukere.

Når jeg nå vet prisene så forstår jeg jo hvorfor jentene ikke vil bruke den.

At siden også er utrolig irriterende å bruke hjelper ikke akkurat på helhetsinntrykket.

Hvorfor har de ikke rullegardinmenyer eller klikkbare lenker? Hvorfor må det åpnes et nytt vindu hver gang jeg foretar meg noe? Hvorfor må det være så jævla fancy? Det enkle er ofte det beste.

Dessuten er den veldig treg.

Thanks for your feedback.

It's not more expensive...at all :D

Someone compared our platinum with RE's basic advertisement and thats not fair :)

Site is not slow..maybe your Internet was slow? The site scores smack in the middles when it comes to speed.

I find it strange that you dont like the user friendliness, but that you for the feedback.

We launched only 4 weeks ago and has had 40 000 viewers since then...we constantly monitor the user friendliness and since we have an average visit of 9 minutes this tells us it's pretty easy to use.

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My Internett is 100mbps. Fiber. And I just ran Speedtest. 110mbps.

So my connection is not slow. You site is slow compared to RE.

I just tried it again now. Still slow.

If you find it strange that I dont think is user-friendly you should study RE.

They have no fancy pop-ups when I want to change the area I am searching in.

And no pop-ups who ask me if I want a notice when similar girls are in my area.

I want a list of areas and cities I can click on.

I dont want to use my mouse for 5 minutes to find a girl i Bergen!

And no, the average visit is not a monitor on user friendliness.

Where did you get that idea?

Just a tip. Keep it simple.

RE is not perfect. But you could learn from it.

The girls says its more expensive. I guess they compare?

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You are 100% right (!) and we will immediately edit our prices in accordance with population. The only "problem" is that some advertisers might speculate in this and order an ad in a small town, but then change their travel plan to Oslo.

Honestly, with that kind of pricing model people from larger towns will just feel discriminated against - fact that someone works a large town doesn't mean they are, or want to be, high volume.

I'd honestly suggest you guys add another pricing tier that's a bit more bare-bones than the others. Think about it like about a cable TV contract - the operators that come packaged with a lot of mandatory 'extras' in form of entirely too many channels, a landline phone and an Internet usually get a lot of user flak for basically forcing people to pay more for stuff they do not use. Modularity is -huge- if you want to be user friendly and attract people who know what they want from their marketing.

My Internett is 100mbps. Fiber. And I just ran Speedtest. 110mbps.

I'm jealous. :P The Internet speeds in my area are so atrocious that me and my fiancé cannot comfortably cam despite really wanting to. Welp.

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I agree on what The Lynx is saying regarding pricing model. Not everyone wants to have those extra features of having your ad on the front page etc.

And making advertising costs depend on location doesn't really make sense to me. You say you are not looking to profit, but that's not really how everything comes across.

And I agree on that the site is not very user friendly. I find it messy and not very easy to navigate. Which has led me to only take a few quick looks at it just to disregard it; it's not inviting to me.

If you truly want to start winning over escorts from RE you should probably have some advertising options that cost about the same as the basic RE-options. And make it more user friendly. Then your site may actually be worth considering for us. Until some changes have been made, I'll have to say I'll stay with RE. I'm usually one who welcomes change with open arms, but there has to be some quality to it.

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Thank you so much for all your feedback.

This is primarily why we are here...to get feedback - and respond to it.

So that's exactly what we are going to do. Please give us a couple of weeks and we'll have different pricing modules, no "popup's" and hopefully the site will be quicker as well.

If you could, please tell me what you think should be included in a basic, gold and silver package? What's each respective package worth?

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My number one tip would be to keep it serious.

It will probably give your site less money, but the users would be very happy.

Dont accept fake pictures.

And dont accept girls with several adds.

I my area right now there is one girl with 4 adds!

I have called all 4 of them, and its the same girl who answer.

And I have seen girls with 7 different phones!

I made an appointment with her. And it was not her on any of the pictures.

So I told she didn't look like the girl in the pictures and left. And she called me an idiot!

Same thing happens every time. I complain about the pictures, and the girl gets mad and calls me an idiot!

If you have a problem with posting your pic online, you should get a different job.

This is really annoying.

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If you could, please tell me what you think should be included in a basic, gold and silver package? What's each respective package worth?

Can't really speak for what -should- be in the basic, since I think everyone's opinion will differ slightly there.

An approach I'd recommend is, get a good feeling for what the primary competitor offers at their base price, and then offer either the same, but more functional, for a slightly lesser price. Or same base + 1-2 add-ins for the price that they use. Basically you want to 'undercut' them ever so slightly to draw the people in, in a stable manner.

After that it's a matter of getting both provider & punter user base big enough to actually bring custom in for the advertisers, which is the tricky part, seeing as it requires reaching a critical mass of people at the same time.

I also agree with Idaws - you want to build trust from both user groups. Hunting down multi-ads, fake advertisements and other scams mercilessly will go a long way towards securing the trust of punters. Good customer support, listening to feedback (which you already are!) and potentially taking note of fake/malicious reviews will definitely gain you favor with the advertisers.

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