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Idiotens eskapader


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Idag går turen tilbake til Ukraina. Derfra har vi gode erfaringer fra tidligere. Denne gangen havnet vi hos: https://www.realescort.eu/ads/154903/sophie

Hun har 28 positive og ingen negative anmeldelser på RE, men litt både-og tilbakemeldinger på forumet.

Kommunikasjonen i forkant var helt uproblematisk. Litt særegen stil, men grei engelsk og enkle avtaler som holdes. Hun driver butikken og styrer telefonen selv. Fair-trade yay!

Det er absolutt damen på bildene som møter deg i døren. Alder sikkert i nærheten av det som oppgis (26). Hun fremstår ved første øyekast litt avmålt/eksentrisk/prippen med tidenes slappeste håndtrykk, men tar du deg litt tid og oppfører deg pent finner du ut at dette er en snill og pratsom jente. Engelsken er ikke "god", men forståelig.

Hun har fine naturlige pupper, men altfor spinkel rumpe imo. I det hele tatt altfor tynn etter min smak. Du er litt redd for at hun skal knekke hvis du tar på. -Men det er fritt frem å ta på. Ingen nykker her i gården.

Hun skrur ikke på sjarmen. Virker ikke interessert i kyssing og oppleves veldig business-aktig. Her er det åpenbart at det drives butikk og gjøres ingen som helst forsøk på å gi noen form for gfe. Når det er sagt, så er hun altså på tilbyderen. Hun spør hva du vil ha og tilbyr og leverer det hun annonserer (såvidt jeg vet, prøvde ikke alt på menyen -den er lang...).

Tjenestene som leveres vil jeg klassifisere som ok. Ok suging, ok puling, ok riding, med for mye endring av stilling. Igjen er det alt for mye riving og sliting med hender. Runke kan jeg gjøre selv. Hun skal ha for innsatsen. Hun er ivrig og gjør et genuint forsøk på å levere tjenestene hun tar betalt for.

Opptredenen akkompagneres av fake lyder. Funker dette virkelig på gutta der ute? Ikke for å skryte, men jeg har altså en idé om hvordan tilfredstilte kvinner høres ut. Jada, det varierer en del hvordan og med hvilket volum de gir uttrykk for det, men det har altså en viss sammenheng med hva som skjer og hvor lenge det foregår. For min del skal det betydelig bedre skuespillerprestasjoner til før dette teller positivt.

Tror ikke dama er voldsomt begeistret for jobben, men heller ikke at hun plages nevneverdig av det. Som folk flest jobber hun fordi hun får betalt...

Avslutningsvis vil jeg gjerne påpeke at dette er en trivelig jente som er hyggelig å være med utenom sexen. Hadde gjerne tatt et glass eller to sammen bare for selskapet.

Denne havner midt på treet med 3 av 5 mulige druer 🍇🍇🍇. Jeg kommer ikke tilbake, men det gjør kanskje du?




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Hi. Thank you for the review but let’s start that my English is very good! It’s first… “Laziest handshake ever”? Seriously? I am usually super friendly and kind if u are. Second I always do GFE if u smell good, took good shower and everything is fine with the hygiene. Actually I don’t know how I met you because I don’t meet this “kind” of guys. Probably was in good super good mood. “Too thin”? Is it not understandable from the photos? Isn’t it? For real? 
I offer kissing and again I am friendly and kind of u are. Never do just as the “business” since I appreciate myself and what I do. For me easier to say no or give money back. If u was unhappy with my service or wanted something more it’s always possible to ask or at least to say what the expectations u have. I can’t read your mind. 
U said I asked what u would like to receive… So what is your complain now? Did u say that u need GFE or kissing? 
Ok let’s move.., about the sounds. I will answer. Yes it makes horny a lot of guys. And if it sounded as fake maybe u was not that good? I am not an actress. I am an escort and I really try to do my best for my clients if they are nice people. I don’t offer the service to be an actress and play in the game that you are the God of the sex. Right? “Better actress job”? Really? I am not an actress dear and I don’t have to play the role… That’s why the role game not in my service list. 
And u had a possibility to ask me be more quiet… Right? Again I don’t read your mind and I can’t understand what you like if you are not my regular client…

So did I play with the hands or was full of the enthusiasm? 
u write the things that the contradict to each other. I am very sorry I don’t understand Norwegian and I use the Google translator. Maybe It’s wrong translation.. So I have to say sorry in advance. 

I respect what I do and my clients and people at all. 
And actually thank you that you don’t want to come back because I can’t recognise who are you. 
Anyway I want to say thank you for the visit and wish you all the best and hopefully you will get much more nice experience next time. Have a wonderful evening. Warm hugs. 



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1 time siden, Sof skrev:

Hi. Thank you for the review but

Hi Sophie,

Thank you for the response! Apologies if I offended you. I can assure you that was not my intention, but I tend to be a bit direct and I can see how that can come across as hurtful. I do not consider what I write to be the "truth" as opposed to other people's experience with you and other escorts. It's my experience meeting you; straight-forward, honest and unfiltered. Other people have a different experience, which is equally valid. I wish more people would share it and I urge anyone who have met you to respond with their own experience. Skriver det siste på norsk også for å understreke det: jeg setter stor pris på om flere vil dele sin erfaring med Sophie. Kanskje den er helt annerledes enn min?

I wish you all the best, and I do like you, like I wrote in the review ;-)

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2 timer siden, Sof skrev:

And if it sounded as fake maybe u was not that good?

hahahaha, @Idioten her må du komme med et tilsvar eller hva?

@Sof Dette var en ærlig feltrapport, dette er @Idioten's erfaring og ikke det søppelet du leser på realescort.eu sine anmeldelser. Det er sånn vi gjør det her på Noresk.

Men jeg synes den setter deg i godt lys, og jeg får lyst til å møte deg etter å ha lest den, og det tror jeg gjelder flere :)



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6 minutter siden, jegern skrev:

hahahaha, @Idioten her må du komme med et tilsvar eller hva?

@Sof Dette var en ærlig feltrapport, dette er @Idioten's erfaring og ikke det søppelet du leser på realescort.eu sine anmeldelser. Det er sånn vi gjør det her på Noresk.

Men jeg synes den setter deg i godt lys, og jeg får lyst til å møte deg etter å ha lest den, og det tror jeg gjelder flere :)



I think here more “erfaring og ikke det søppelet du leser på realescort.eu sine anmeldelser”. And guys don’t forget please that I can’t read your mind. I asked him what he likes… How is possible to complain that I am slim if it’s visible from the photos? It’s just weird. It’s his own experience. I know what I do and my service is good. Otherwise I always give 50% of the money back. Because I understand that the person spent the time to come and so on. And again! We are humans, so we can talk. It’s super strange didn’t say me anything and after to write that he was not happy…. We have the mouth and tongue and brain so we can communicate and find the solution, isn’t it? For sure more nice than didn’t say anything to me and after to write here… 

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2 timer siden, Sof skrev:

And if it sounded as fake maybe u was not that good?

Og med det friske tilsvaret nomineres hun rett inn på ukas sexy :-)


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3 minutter siden, Sof skrev:

I think here more “erfaring og ikke det søppelet du leser på realescort.eu sine anmeldelser”. And guys don’t forget please that I can’t read your mind. I asked him what he likes… How is possible to complain that I am slim if it’s visible from the photos? It’s just weird. It’s his own experience. I know what I do and my service is good. Otherwise I always give 50% of the money back. Because I understand that the person spent the time to come and so on. And again! We are humans, so we can talk. It’s super strange didn’t say me anything and after to write that he was not happy…. We have the mouth and tongue and brain so we can communicate and find the solution, isn’t it? For sure more nice than didn’t say anything to me and after to write here… 

Idioten he have brain damage tumor from too much greek (anal) with his boyfriend. He have only shit reviews anyways thank you!

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43 minutter siden, Idioten skrev:

Hi Sophie,

Thank you for the response! Apologies if I offended you. I can assure you that was not my intention, but I tend to be a bit direct and I can see how that can come across as hurtful. I do not consider what I write to be the "truth" as opposed to other people's experience with you and other escorts. It's my experience meeting you; straight-forward, honest and unfiltered. Other people have a different experience, which is equally valid. I wish more people would share it and I urge anyone who have met you to respond with their own experience. Skriver det siste på norsk også for å understreke det: jeg setter stor pris på om flere vil dele sin erfaring med Sophie. Kanskje den er helt annerledes enn min?

I wish you all the best, and I do like you, like I wrote in the review ;-)

I don’t speak Norwegian. I am very sorry for that. But more respectful to write English so I can answer too. But anyway I have the translator and I can always ask someone to translate. 
What can I say? I am human. I am not the silicon doll from the sex shop. With some people probably we have not chemistry. But I always try to be kind and give a good service/experience.



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9 minutter siden, SolanGundersen skrev:

Og med det friske tilsvaret nomineres hun rett inn på ukas sexy :-)


Thank you. U made my mood much better this evening ❤️

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10 minutter siden, borgermestern skrev:

Idioten he have brain damage tumor from too much greek (anal) with his boyfriend. He have only shit reviews anyways thank you!

I feel sorry for him. Because probably he has not friends or hobbies. Just this forum… I read what he wrote about other girls and u are right, for him always something wrong with every girl… Sad 

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3 minutter siden, Sof skrev:

With some people probably we have not chemistry. But I always try to be kind and give a good service/experience.



In your line of work you really can't please everyone - some people just aren't compatible when it comes to sex. I've met you twice, and agree completely that you try to be kind and give a good experience. You should know that from Idiotens review, I picked up that he thinks so too - this may have been lost in translation though.

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6 minutter siden, Ness skrev:

In your line of work you really can't please everyone - some people just aren't compatible when it comes to sex. I've met you twice, and agree completely that you try to be kind and give a good experience. You should know that from Idiotens review, I picked up that he thinks so too - this may have been lost in translation though.

Thank you. That’s why i said sorry in advance if I am wrong with the translation. But anyway it’s strange to complain that I am slim. What can u say about my English? Plus complain about the service. “Laziest handshake ever”? U know me… Am I like that?

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3 minutter siden, Sof skrev:

Thank you. That’s why i said sorry in advance if I am wrong with the translation. But anyway it’s strange to complain that I am slim. What can u say about my English? Plus complain about the service. “Laziest handshake ever”? U know me… Am I like that?

Your english is good, better than most traveling girls I've met. I honestly can't remember your handshake, if we shook hands it didn't leave an impression on me.

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7 minutter siden, Ness skrev:

Your english is good, better than most traveling girls I've met. I honestly can't remember your handshake, if we shook hands it didn't leave an impression on me.

He said not about the real handshake. It was a metaphor. 
and thank you for the support. I very appreciate.❤️

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23 minutter siden, jegern skrev:

hahahaha, @Idioten her må du komme med et tilsvar eller hva?

Har ingen illusjoner om at jeg er alle pikers drøm under dynen :-) Jeg beskriver lydene jeg opplever under besøk. Noen liker jeg, noen liker jeg mindre. Dere får dra deres egne konklusjoner ;-)

7 minutter siden, Sof skrev:

But I always try to be kind and give a good service/experience.

I agree and I wrote exactly that in my review:

15 timer siden, Idioten skrev:

men tar du deg litt tid og oppfører deg pent finner du ut at dette er en snill og pratsom jente.

15 timer siden, Idioten skrev:

Hun er ivrig og gjør et genuint forsøk på å levere tjenestene hun tar betalt for.

Genuinely very happy to hear SolanG made your mood much better! Yes, I'm quite picky. You're actually the second best ranked so far in my reviews. I'd argue I don't complain that you are slim. I point out that you are very slim and that is not my preference. If I was to guess I'd say that very slim is most guys' preference...

Your English is similar to 90% of the escorts I've met. I'd classify it as "medium". No problem whatoever to talk to, but not "good" according to me.

No, the comment about the handshake was not a metaphor, it was literal.

Hugs and kisses from the fool with no friends or hobbies ;-)

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7 minutter siden, Sof skrev:

He said not about the real handshake. It was a metaphor. 
and thank you for the support. I very appreciate.❤️

I honestly don't think it was a metaphor - he was talking about the first impressions when meeting you, and a handshake is culturally significant when meeting someone. I could be wrong though.

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3 minutter siden, Idioten skrev:

Har ingen illusjoner om at jeg er alle pikers drøm under dynen :-) Jeg beskriver lydene jeg opplever under besøk. Noen liker jeg, noen liker jeg mindre. Dere får dra deres egne konklusjoner ;-)

I agree and I wrote exactly that in my review:

Genuinely very happy to hear SolanG made your mood much better! Yes, I'm quite picky. You're actually the second best ranked so far in my reviews. I'd argue I don't complain that you are slim. I point out that you are very slim and that is not my preference. If I was to guess I'd say that very slim is most guys' preference...

Your English is similar to 90% of the escorts I've met. I'd classify it as "medium". No problem whatoever to talk to, but not "good" according to me.

No, the comment about the handshake was not a metaphor, it was literal.

Hugs and kisses from the fool with no friends or hobbies ;-)

Maybe because I am not British or American. But I talk here with the people and I think everyone can understand about my English. Are u British? No. So your English absolutely on the same level with mine. I am sorry but this comment made me a bit pissed off because I know the level of my English. And I spent 5 years in the British council to learn the language. 
Similar 90% know just “money, fuck, bye, London is a capital of Great Britain” so I can argue… 

if it was literal about the handshake 99,5% u came inside my apartment with the poker face…

And sorry dear but your hobby to write letters about the escorts. It is a red flag in your life. I am sorry. But it is what it is… I feel sorry for you. 


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13 minutter siden, Ness skrev:

I honestly don't think it was a metaphor - he was talking about the first impressions when meeting you, and a handshake is culturally significant when meeting someone. I could be wrong though.

I meet people and smile and hug and ask about their day. Always. From the start. 

i am sorry my dear lovely clients if I am a bit straight but I have to protect myself and explain the situation. Because some people don’t understand that we are not dolls. It’s a deal from both sides. Strange to write that I am slim, strange to complain on the service if I asked what he would like… it’s really weird.

The sense of justice is very important for me. 

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31 minutter siden, Sof skrev:

Similar 90% know just “money, fuck, bye, London is a capital of Great Britain” so I can argue…

London is the capital of Great Britain ;-) You underestimate your colleagues.

I don't sugarcoat what I write. I'm brutally honest. That is likely very unusual in the world of escort reviews and I'm guessing that is why you're so upset. Dunno how much is lost in translation, but I'd claim I gave the guys a number of reasons to come visit you...

Don't be angry, darling. It does not give people a good impression of you.

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10 minutter siden, Idioten skrev:

London is the capital of Great Britain ;-) You underestimate your colleagues.

I don't sugarcoat what I write. I'm brutally honest. That is likely very unusual in the world of escort reviews and I'm guessing that is why you're so upset. Dunno how much is lost in translation, but I'd claim I gave the guys a number of reasons to come visit you...

Don't be angry, darling. It does not give people a good impression of you.

Honey u will be never the reason to make me angry or upset. I am Ukrainian and believe I have the things to worry about.. and it’s absolutely not your review. I just have the right to write my opinion. Because the escorts are not the piece of “meat” If girls don’t answer here i will do! 

Endret av Sof
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Akkurat nå, Sof skrev:

Honey u will be never the reason to make me angry or upset. I am Ukrainian and believe I have the things to worry about.. and it’s absolutely not your review. I just have the right to write my opinion. Because the escorts are not the piece of “meet”. If girls don’t answer here i will do! 

Brutally honest? 😂 guys if we will be brutally honest… actually I think we also (girls) must to create a forum. 

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11 minutter siden, Sof skrev:

Brutally honest? 😂 guys if we will be brutally honest… actually I think we also (girls) must to create a forum. 

Can I join if I become a gigolo?

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12 timer siden, Sof skrev:

Because the escorts are not the piece of “meat” If girls don’t answer here i will do!

I doubt you'll find many guys on here that consider escorts a "piece of meat". My no 1 criteria is charm 😛 -But I understand how it may come across as unpersonal by the nature of the subject being discussed on this site. I have even been advised by escorts to keep reviews unpersonal for your sake. I believe following that advice may make what I write seem harsher. It's possible I should have chosen my words more carefully. Having become immune to critique of my own character, I potentially fail to fully grasp the effect my words have on others.

I appreciate you responding and I'm very glad to hear you're not angry or upset.

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